Arranging Windows

The integrated development environment (IDE) has two types of windows, tool windows and document windows. You can increase the viewing and editing space for code, depending on how you arrange the windows in the IDE. You have many options for arranging windows within the IDE, including the following:

To tab-dock windows

To dock or hide tool windows

  1. Select Dockable from the Window menu and then drag the window toward an edge of the development environment window until you see a superimposed outline in the location you want.

    Note   The position of the mouse pointer, not the edges of the window, determines where the window will be placed, not the edges of the window.

    Tip   To move a dockable window without snapping it into place, press CTRL while dragging it to the location you desire.

  2. Right-click the window and choose Auto Hide. The window will reappear when your cursor is near the edge of the development environment window.

If you have a second monitor, and your platform supports using it, you can choose which monitor to display windows on.

To place tool windows on different monitors

  1. Use the Display settings in the Control Panel to set up your multiple monitor configurations. See Windows Help for more information.
  2. Drag the tool window to the other monitor. This option is only available on platforms that support multiple monitors.

If you want to view more than one document at a time while editing code, you can tile documents together.

To tile document windows